Best Gto Poker Software
- Solvers are the best way to learn about Game Theory Optimal (GTO) poker strategy. The first publicly available solver, PioSolver, which is also the most used, came out back in 2015. The first publicly available solver, PioSolver, which is also the most used, came out back in 2015.
- GTO+ is advanced Hold'em game theory analysis software, with one of the most intuitive interfaces available today. With GTO+, you can quickly build decision trees, fill in any play as you see fit, and let the GTO solver figure out optimal play in the rest of the tree.
- GTO Real Time Poker Assistant Our poker assistant app and software help make decisions in real time. How are solutions derived? AlphaPoker’s solutions are created using proprietary models and algorithms. Other popular solvers such as PioSolver use a fundamental algorithm called.
The last couple of years of poker have seen an increasing move to understand and apply GTO poker solutions to today’s game. In doing that, there’s been a lot of confusion in the poker community about what GTO (game theory optimal) actually is, and how and when to apply GTO solutions to a given poker situation. We’d like to clear up that confusion and also make a case for why software like Leak Buster is still very important to learning and growing as a poker player.
Simple GTO Trainer This poker software combines the best simulator software with the best GTO calculator so that you can analyzing specific scenarios and learn the correct plays. Design your own exercises and systematically work on becoming a GTO expert. READ MORE PURCHASE SOFTWARE.

Best Gto Poker Software Download
What is GTO poker?

GTO poker is a solution to any given long term set of hands, so that you cannot be exploited. This is assuming that if your opponent is ALSO applying GTO solutions, then the end result of many hands played with this same person would be a net EV (expected value) of zero.
In each individual hand, a GTO solver will provide the highest EV line, assuming your opponent is also taking a GTO line. This can include mixed strategies of betting 80% of the time, and checking 20% of the time for example. This mixed strategy is based on your current equity you have versus your opponents entire hand range, and the sizing of your desired bet. Even if you are far ahead in equity in a given poker situation, a GTO solver will want you to check a percentage of the time (based on your equity and bet sizing) that will not allow your opponent to exploit your play.
For example: If you had a flush on the turn, and you ALWAYS bet your flush, and never checked, then your opponent would know to fold a larger percentage of their range because your range will always be very strong.
Here, our OOP (out of position player turns the nut flush with Ah9h). The solver wants us to check 8.44% of the time, and bet 91.56% of the time. In reality, against most opponents, especially fishy players and anonymous players, we’d want to bet 100% of the time to get value from other hands. If you were analyzing this hand, you’d conclude that I should be betting here pretty much always. That’s the highest EV line, but to the solver, in order to play perfect GTO poker, it would check 8.44% of the time. This is an extreme example where the betting and checking percentages don’t have much of a difference. Here’s a more common example you’ll see a solver be ideally off in terms of highest EV exploitative line vs. a GTO line, and that’s when you have TPTK (Top pair with top kicker).
Example 2: You have AdQs on a turn of: Qd 9s 6h 4h. The solver in this case, even though the board is very coordinated and you’re first to act, the GTO solution here is to check 98.27% of the time and bet only 1.73% of the time. Against most opponents, this would be a significant EV leak to check here almost all of the time. The solver also has almost never check-raising in this spot (.01%), and most of the time this wouldn’t be ideal exploitative either.
GTO vs. Exploitative play
This should be common sense, but in all poker situations, if there’s an opportunity to exploit your opponents play, you should do it. You only make money in poker when your opponent makes a mistake (takes an non-optimal line) and allows you to exploit that mistake.
An example of exploitative play would be where your opponent only continues on the turn if they have top pair or better. If this was the case, you’d widen your bluffing range, and decrease your value range versus this opponent. They have a clear pattern that can be exploitative. This is where the value of GTO lines comes into a play. If you’re playing against an opponent enough, and you know they’ve seen you take certain lines with specific hands, then you balance this out by taking a more GTO line where you may be checking a strong hand more often then you would when you’re trying to exploit a player and maximize the EV of your hand. In the short term in this situation, you may give up slight EV for that specific range of hands, but in the long term, you’ll get paid off when your opponent reacts sub-optimally and bets when you have a very strong hand or visa-versa because they think they’re picking up on a exploitative pattern in your play. But they aren’t because you’re one step ahead of them.

GTO Solvers are taking a line that prevents them from being exploited by someone else who is applying a perfect GTO strategy, the net result being zero for both players if they are taking the best GTO lines. GTO Solvers are NOT taking the highest EV line with their range of hands, they are taking the highest EV lines with an entire range of hands taking into consideration the fact that:
- You will play lots of more hands with this same opponent, thus you don’t want to become exploitable.
- Your opponent is also applying a GTO solution to their hand.
So in summary, GTO poker is great to learn from a theory perspective. It can illuminate some subtle differences in suit combinations you might have in a given situation, or allow you to understand areas you can increase your check-raise bluff percentage for example. It will however, take less EV lines in certain situations because it assumes your opponent will be playing optimal poker. If you’re a high stakes player playing against some of the worlds best opponents, you need to mix up how and when you bet certain ranges of hands. If you’re a small stakes (even some mid-stakes), or micro stakes player, you should be focusing mostly on learning how to exploit your opponent, while learning the theory of why certain lines are ideal against the very best opponents.
How Leak Buster Fills in the Blanks
This is the purpose of software like Leak Buster. To show you ideal exploitative, high EV lines, against the majority of your competition. You want to maximize the EV of every single hand, especially against opponents you don’t have much history with. If you’re on an anonymous site, you should not be worried about balancing your ranges. You should be going for the highest EV line every time, unless you have a very specific reason not to.
Good luck at those tables!
Best Gto Poker Software Free
If you have a Cardrunners EV license purchased prior to 1/1/2015, then you are eligible to receive the GTO+ key for free.

GTO + is an advanced program for analyzing the theory of game heads-up of no-limit hold'em, with one of the most intuitive interfaces among similar programs. With GTO+, you can quickly build decision trees, fill any trees of your choice, and let the solver determine the strategy of the game using the GTO* in the rest of the tree. You can rely on GTO+ to always know how to play post-flop in any situation! GTO+ offers fast + accurate calculations and powerful internal analysis tools to explore solutions. GTO+ is completely autonomous and does not require the use of any other software.
*GTO (Game Theoretical Optimum) is a strategy of the game in which the actions of the opponent do not matter, due to the fact that you perform only the most right actions at a distance. Your opponent will not lose to you, unless he follows the same optimal strategy.
Advantages of GTO+
- Speed: GTO+ offers one of the fastest GTO poker calculation algorithms available today. The program has low requirements for RAM, all calculations are performed literally on the fly;
- Building a decision tree: GTO+ offers an advanced designer of decision trees with the ability to use bets of different sizes. It offers a convenient editor to tailor the program to your needs;
- Saving space: where most GTO solvers require several hundred megabytes to store one file, GTO+ saves the same file to a file weighing only a few hundred kilobytes. This effect is possible due to high speed data conversion at any time when it is required;
- Analytical tools: GTO+ offers exclusively internal tools for full-fledged work, while other similar programs require that you manually copy and paste data into any other auxiliary software;
- Quick Card Removal: GTO+ offers the ability to turn on/off the card removal effect with just one click of a button;
- Database with scripts: GTO+ is able to create entire databases of already solved trees, as well as the ability to compare these scenarios. Due to the unique ability to save ready-made solutions in files of very small size, these databases are easy to manage;
- Convenient graphical solution: GTO+ has a flexible system for building decision trees, which will allow you to decide and compare any option with any other option at any point of the considered solution;
- Trees recalculation: the turn/river solution can be recalculated on the fly, without the need to re-resolve the entire tree.
You can buy GTO+ by Neteller, Skrill, PayPal, WebMoney, Yandex Money, Qiwi, Visa/Master Card and other payment systems from us and get a discount on the next issue, as well as take part in discussing the subscription on our forum.
Instructions for purchasing a license GTO+:
In order to obtain a GTO+ license key when purchasing a program on our website, you will need to enter your E-mail and Hardware ID. How to find Hardware ID?
- Download GTO+. NB! if the program download does not start, then right-click on the link and select the option 'open link in a new tab'.The download will then start;
- Start the program;
- At the top of the program menu, go to 'Register';
- Hardware ID is a code of 7 blocks with 4 digits each, it looks like 1559-121F-QC6B-BB42-4828-00C4-687E.
- When performing order in our shop, specify this code in the appropriate field.