How To Link Slots Work In Bbs
How To Link Slots Work In Bbs Windows 10
Link potions are probably the hardest grind in this game because when you're farming for link potions, you'll need 2250 of them to fully max out one character's slots, which the average drop rate is 5-15 drops per coop run, that's roughly 225 runs. Now, if we add in the factor that you'll probably want to max out more than one character and the fact that the potions are attribute specific you're bound to spend 10+ hours just for two or three characters, that's a whole work day. But you might ask yourself, do I need to max out these slots? And the reality of it is, no you don't, but if you're a high tier player planning on being in high tier pvp, you'll want to max out those slots so you can have the edge against people with meta teams, assuming you are running one as well.
How To Link Slots Work In Bbs Bd
How it is now: Characters with min Lv.150 / 100% soul tree can upgrade their link slots with a shit tonne of potions, to gain up to 20% of linked character's stats. Characters used for links must also be min Lv.150 / 100% soul tree, and also be the same attribute as the 'host' character. How it is now: Characters with min Lv.150 / 100% soul tree can upgrade their link slots with a shit tonne of potions, to gain up to 20% of linked character's stats. Characters used for links must also be min Lv.150 / 100% soul tree, and also be the same attribute as the 'host'. At any point of the swap operation, all work of initializing the swapped apps happens on the source slot. The target slot remains online while the source slot is being prepared and warmed up, regardless of where the swap succeeds or fails. To swap a staging slot with the production slot, make sure that the production slot is always the target slot.