A Standard Poker Deck Contains

  1. A Standard Poker Deck Contains 1000
Algebra -> Probability-and-statistics-> SOLUTION: A standard poker deck of cards contains 52 cards, of which four are sevens. Suppose two cards are drawn sequentially, so that one random circumstance is the result of the first car Log On
A standard poker deck contains list

Five card draw is one of the most common types of poker hands. Each player is dealt five cards, then a round of betting follows. Then each player may discard up to 3 cards (4 if your last card is an ace or wild card, in some circles) and get back (from the deck) as many cards as he/she discarded. A standard playing card deck, also called a poker deck, contains 52 distinct cards. These cards are divided into four suits: Hearts and Diamonds are the two red suits. These are sometimes abbreviated as H and D. Clubs and Spades are the two black suits.

Question 671419: A standard poker deck of cards contains 52 cards, of which four are sevens. Suppose two cards are drawn sequentially, so that one random circumstance is the result of the first card drawn and the second random circumstance is the result of the second card drawn. Find the probability that the first card is a seven and the second card is not a seven. (Round your answer to four decimal places.)
Answer by stanbon(75887) (Show Source):
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A standard poker deck of cards contains 52 cards, of which four are sevens. Suppose two cards are drawn sequentially, so that one random circumstance is the result of the first card drawn and the second random circumstance is the result of the second card drawn. Find the probability that the first card is a seven and the second card is not a seven.
# of ways to succeed: 4C2 = 6
# of possible outcomes: 52C2 = 1326
P(2 7's) = 6/1326 = 0.0045
Stan H.

A Standard Poker Deck Contains 1000